System Specifications: Press force: 141 US Tons
Bending length: 127"
Width between columns: 106"
Usable installation height: 24"
Throat: 16.5"
Operating height: 43.1" - 43.8"
Inclination of beam: +/- 0.39"
Y rapid: 520 in/min
Y working: 24 to 48 in/min.
Y return traverse speed: 520 in/min
X axis: 2362 in/min.
R axis: 780 in/min.
Z axis: 2362 in/min.
Y axis position accuracy: 0.0002 in.
X axis position accuracy: 0.002 in.
R axis position accuracy: 0.003 in.
Working range
Y axis stroke: 17.5 in.
Travel path X axis: 24 in.
Max. gauge area in X: 34 in.
Travel path R axis: 10 in.
Control: TASC 6000
Connection values
Connected load: 27 kVA
Oil capacity: 58 gal.
Dimensions and weight:
Length x Width: 160 x 69 in.
Height: 112 in.
Weight: 24,030 lbs.
Equipped With:
6 Axis Control and backgauge
Hydraulic Clamps.
FIBERMAK transmits the laser beam onto the sheet metal by fiber cables and its cutting quality with high beam density is perfect on thin sheets compared to other alternatives. Fiber laser cutting technology provides high quality cuttings at very fast...